The Serrano Database is first and foremost a database with financial history on the company level. The financial data is based on financial statement data from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket). In addition, there is history with ge
- We are using the Serrano database for research for our thesis. Among many other variables, we are using the "status" present in the Bookslut file. However, we do not seem to find any explanation of the values of this variable in the Serrano Document? The values show A, B, I, K, and O.
- We are currently trying to download data from the Serrano database provided by the SHOF Research Data Center. When attempting to download the files and unzipping them (for either STATA or SAS) we encounter a number of issues.
Wondering if there is something wrong with our approach or if there is something wrong with the files?
- Hi, we are conducting a research on Swedish private firms using the Serrano database. However, we cannot find the list of country codes in the system, variable name: knc_landkod_knc. It shows the 2 alphabet country codes, how can we get the list of the corresponding countries. Thanks
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The Serrano Database is first and foremost a database with financial history on the company level. The financial data is based on financial statement data from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket). In addition, there is history with ge