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General instructions and information regarding the Bloomberg Terminal
I need access to a dataset. Can you provide it?
I need some recomendation regarding dataset to use in my thesis. Can you provide some?
Hi, We have retrieved M&A data from SDC Platinum but have some difficulties in trying to download the data as an excel file. When we execute the 'save as' an excel file the action freezes at 70 out of c. 33,000 transactions and we are unable to proceed. Do you have any idea how to resolve this issue, i.e. enabling us to download the data as an excel file? Best, Linus & Alfred
Hi! I am wondering how could I access to the datastream via excel in the bloomberg room at shof? Thank you!
Hej, På ett pågående projekt studerar jag huruvida lokal aktiehandel påverkas när en nyhet publiceras. I dagsläget använder jag individ handelsdata från Euroclear AB på kvartalsnivå men behöver undersöka om resultaten håller även i daglig handelsdata på individnivå för aktier listade på svenska börser. Jag undrar därför om ni kan hjälpa mig med att få daglig handelsdata. Min studieperiod är 1 januari 2006 till 31 december 2014. Det skulle även räcka att få data för det senaste året av studieperioden, 2014, eftersom detta är för robusthetsanalyser. Tack på förhand! Vänliga hälsningar Taylan
My name is Aleksandra and I am writing my master thesis at KTH. I have downloaded a time series for OMXS30 from Finbas on your page and would like the access to download the German index DAX30, and the UK index FTSE. Can I find these two indices from your page as well? My second question is regarding the competition for best master thesis. Am I allowed to enter the competition if I use data dowloaded from Finbas and two other indices from external databases? All the best, Aleksandra
I need access to an external dataset. Does the National Research Data Center offer it?
Who can access Morningstar Direct?
I need help with STATA/MatLab/SAS licenses
How can I access the Bloomberg terminal?
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General instructions and information regarding the Bloomberg Terminal